Monday, January 18, 2021



I bless all of you in Jesus Christ, to Him all the Honor, the Power and the Glory with His Beautiful and Almighty Father and The Holy Spirit. Amen

When I was little I went to the Saint Pius X Chapel in Santo Domingo, as a child, I understood very little about religion, but the little I knew was that being bad is not good and being good was bad, good was and IS the main thing to enter heaven, God is good and the devil's bad, if I was good I belong to God, if I was bad I belong to  the devil... simple.

There is a basic line of one to collect healthy and holy information, those who teach the faith, 1st our parents who transmit the faith to us, 2nd our family that solidifies the teaching of our parents and finally the priests with the ecclesiastical group that teaches the faith.

The faith of my parents and my family couldn't be solidified if there weren't someone willing to follow the clear instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ through our Apostles, Patriarchs, Saints, Martyrs and faithful departed.

For this reason, the priest despite being the last in the line of transmission of the faith, ends up being the first, since they're the ones who represent Jesus on earth and they defend, day by day, the sheep from the hellish wolves… the priest ends up being the first line of defense of the faith when proclaiming the good news daily.

But woe to those souls, millions of souls who have followed the instructions of someone who eclipses the healthy and holy teaching with a gospel of the world, those who proclaim the gospel that consists of: live and let live.

Blessed Catherine Emmerich prophesied about this type of bad priests and I quote her: “…those with philosophy live and let live”

In an interview with “Pope” Francis, he was asked about his top 10 secrets to happiness and he didnt mention Jesus at any time, but his number 1 secret to happiness was: live and let live...

What have I seen with my own eyes after Jorge Mario Bergoglio was seated in the chair of Saint Peter and his live and let live gospel proclaimed with words and deeds?

I watched when the Bishop of Los Angeles California, celebrated mass with a gay couple and his "adopted son", as the couple brought the Eucharistic offering.

I watched when my former bishop in St. Petersburg Florida, proclaimed that homosexuality can be holy and how he allowed gay Masses to be celebrated under his protection.

I saw how in Detroit gay masses are actively celebrated under the auspices of the Bishop.

I watched as the Bishop of New York, celebrated the gay march in St Patrick's day parade.

I saw how the Franciscans joined the gay pride parade with a giant banner that read another live and let live gospel proclamation by Francis: "Who am I to judge?"

I saw how in the first synod of the family in Rome, the Vatican proclaimed: that homosexuals should be allowed to be part of the Church since they have gifts, this was an echo of the so-called apostolic exhortation of Francis Amoris Laetitia 297 that says:

"It is a matter of reaching out to* EVERYONE, of needing to help each person find his or her proper way of PARTICIPATING in the ecclesial community and thus to experience being TOUCHED BY an “unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous” MERCY. NO ONE CAN BE CONDEMNED FOREVER, because that is THAT IS NOT THE LOGIC OF THE GOSPEL! Here I am not speaking only of the divorced and remarried, BUT OF EVERYONE, in WHATEVER SITUATION THEY FIND THEMSELVES. Naturally, if someone flaunts an objective sin as if it were part of the Christian ideal, or wants to impose something other than what the Church teaches, he or she can in no way presume to teach or preach to others; this is a case of something which separates from the community (cf. Mt 18:17). Such a person* needs to listen once more to the Gospel message and its call to conversion. Yet even for that person there can be some way of taking part in the life of community, whether in social service, prayer meetings or another way that his or her own initiative, together with the discernment of the parish priest…"

The list goes on and on about things that I have seen and heard... this type of error and beautiful falsehood, reaches priests everywhere and also here where I now live, like what happened one day at the Annunciation house in Evaristo Morales in Santo Domingo.

Priest "T" is at the Eucharistic consecration and raises his prayer, which at the same time became an exhortation to the public, Father “T” said: "...forgive our small and BIG sins..."

Anyone present there with grave sins could say, that there’s no problem and get to communion in a state of indignity and condemn themselves (1 Cor 11: 27-32), such people with abortions, murders, robberies, homosexuality, sodomy, zoophilia, prostitution, treason, etc...

This strange, but beautiful mercy proclaimed for EVERYONE, which doesn’t get ANY type of repentance and subsequent reparation, is the basis of the false gospel of live and let live which Francis and priests without any fear of God and who like the applause of the world are doing.

Many priests with Protestant overtones, with lack of obedience to the teachings of our holy ancestors who endured persecution and martyrdom.

The world applauds them, the world loves their own… good priest or bad priest, both are eternally marked, for taking the sacrament of priesthood, both marked in heaven and hell, since priests are judged more strongly than anyone, and both are received with joy in both places.

Perhaps you may say: that’s a small thing, a small pebble, nonsense… why judge a priest? 

That small thing causes an avalanche, that pebble is enough to cause spiritual insensitivity and a person insensitive to the eternal has damned potential and thats cause for demonic happiness.

Thats why we must PRAY for our priests, the good and the bad, because they all have demons assigned to make them fall, some are attacked more than others for their degree of closeness to God, pray for them, even for those who are bad to convert and make up their minds and satisfy our Lord before is too late.

Let us pray for the salvation of souls, pray for those who want our spiritual ruin like Francis, pray for their souls… NOT their terrible intentions, would you pray for the intentions of a known thief? No, pray for their souls to convert.

Father "T"... I pray to God that you are better every day and that you become a saint, you have time, you and all those who proclaim beautiful but strange mercies, inconsistent with the magisterium and the bible  still have time.

How many out there giving "pastoral solutions" divorced from the bible, divorced from the magisterium, outside of our First Love God Almighty and cause of infernal joy...

Run my little children from bad shepherds, shepherds who do not want to be saints but the applause of the world and a "beautiful" chaos at mass, pray for them and find another priest who wants to die for his sheep and love Jesus beyond his own life. Amen

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